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鄧幹耀 牙科醫生
Dr. Andy K.Y. Tang
B.D.S. (HKU)

Fun Dental Facts

  • How much is the Tooth Fairy paying per tooth? Around $2 per tooth, according to Securian Dental Plans, an insurance provider
  • The most valuable tooth belonged to Sir Isaac Newton.  In 1816 one of his teeth was sold in London for US$3,633.00 or in today's terms US$35,700.00  The tooth was set in a ring.
  • In 1994 a prison inmate in West Virginia braided floss into a rope, scaled the wall and escaped.
  • The average person only brushes for 45 to 70 seconds a day, the recommended amount of time is 2-3 minutes.
  • More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones
  • 83% of people believe their teeth are more important to their appearance than hair and eyes
  • Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.
  • 38.5 total days an average person spends brushing teeth over lifetime.
  • Top of the American teeth stakes in the poll for greatest looking teeth were Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts.
  • 32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers.
  • Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
  • The average woman smiles about 62 times a day! 
    A man? Only 8! 
    Kids laugh around 400 times a day.  
    Smilers in school yearbooks are more likely to have successful careers and marriages than poker faced peers
  • Two 'Fs': Fluoride (use fluoride toothpaste daily) Frequency (avoid frequent snacking between meals).....this is the "practical way to help avoid dental decay.
  • People who drink 3 or more sugary sodas daily have 62% more dental decay, fillings and tooth loss
  • In American More than 51 million hours of school are lost each year by children due to dental related illness.
    Employed adults lose more than 164 million hours of work each year due to oral health problems or dental visits.
  • The survey of 1,000 people in Britain asked a range of teeth-related questions. Almost half the men polled said they would have teeth- whitening treatment compared with 35% of women. Good teeth and a nice smile came second in the list of what females look for in men, after eyes. For men a good body was the important thing they look for, followed by eyes, hair, and teeth.
  • A poll conducted in Michigan showed that Republicans, Protestants & women brush their teeth more often than Democrats, Catholics & men. 2% of those polled said they don't brush at all
  • Flossed Facts:
    Year commercial floss was first manufactured: 1882
    Material it was first made of: silk
    Newest material: Gore-tex
    Amount bought per person: 18 yards
    Amount that should be bought per person: 122 yards (figuring one foot a day)
    Percent who say they floss daily: 28% (some are fibbing, according to the sales data above)
  • More than 300 types of bacteria make up dental plaque.
  • In children under age 16, regular brushing with fluoridated toothpaste results in 24 percent fewer cavities than does brushing with non-fluoridated toothpaste
  • $1.8 Billion dollars is the total annual consumer spending on toothpaste per year in the world
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